This blog post continues with the ideas developed in the previous post in this series.
All of the code shown in this post can be found in this Github repository.
In the previous blog post in this series I showed an object oriented design for a base class that does Machine Learning model prediction. The design of the base class was intentionally very simple so that I could show a simple example of how to use the base class with a scikit-learn model. I showed an easy way to publish schema metadata about the model inputs and outputs, and how to write model deserialization code so that it is hidden from the users of the model. I also showed how to hide the implementation details of the model by translating the user's input to the model's input so that the user of the model doesn't have to know how to use pandas or numpy. In this blog post I will continue to make improvements to the MLModel class and the example that I used in the previous post.
In this blog post I will make the iris example code from the previous post into a full python package with many features that will make the iris model easier to install and use from other python packages. I will also continue to improve the MLModel base class. In general, I want to show how to make ML code easier to install and use.
When I was doing research for this blog post I found a great blog post by Mateusz Bednarski showing how to build machine learning models as python packages. There are some similarities between what I will show here and that blog post, however, this post focuses more on the deployment of ML models into production systems, whereas Mateusz'z post focuses on packaging the training code.
This blog post assumes that you have some experience with Python. I will be referencing resources for learning the tools that I will be using in the blog post.
Making the Iris Model into a Python Package
Another improvement that we can make to the example code is to make it into a full-fledged Python package. This makes it easier to use and install in other projects. The goal here is to treat ML models as just another python package, this makes it possible to leverage all of the tools that Python has for packaging and reusing code. A good guide for structuring python packages can be found here.
An common pattern that can be seen in ML code is that it is almost always hard to use and deploy. This is something that teams that do machine learning know very well, since the code written by a Data Scientist almost always needs to be rewritten by a software engineer before it is possible to deploy it into production systems. Luckily, we have a lot of tools to make the transition from experimental model to production model a smoother process. In this section I will show a few simple steps that will make the example model from the last blog post into an installable Python package. To accomplish this, we will add version information to the package, add a command line interface to the training script, add Sphinx documentation, and add a file to the project. As an additional touch, we will automate the documentation process for the interface of the ML model.
First of all we need to reorganize the code in the project a little bit:
- project_root
- docs (a folder, package documentation will goes in here)
- iris_model (a folder, iris package code will goes in here)
- model_files (a folder, the model files go in here)
- (this file is for the python package)
- (the prediction code goes here)
- ( the training script goes here)
- tests (a folder, unit tests for iris_model package go here)
- (the MLModel base class goes here)
- requirements.txt
- (the package installation script goes here)
A lot of this code is shared with the previous blog post, but it is reorganized here to make it possible to have an ML model that is can be installed as a Python package.
Adding Package Versioning
Python packages are usually versioned using semantic versioning. Software packages that use semantic versioning must declare a public API. This is complicated when we want to do versioning of ML models because we have two APIs: the API for making model predictions and the API for training the model. We can deal with this complexity by tying the different components of the semantic version of the package to the prediction API and the training API of the package.
I chose to version the prediction API of the model using the major and minor version components of the semantic versioning standard. The reasoning for this is that a lot of users are affected by changes in the prediction API, but not as many users are affected by changes in the training API. This is because ML models are usually used by many people but trained by a few experts. The patch number of the version can be used to version changes to the training API.
As an example, whenever the ML model prediction API changes in a backward-incompatible way the major version number will go up, and whenever it changes in a backwards-compatible way the minor version will go up. This approach ensures that any user of the ML model package will know how changes in the prediction API will affect them when they install the package. A simple way to understand when to increase the major or minor version numbers is to do so when the input and output schemas of the model change. Lastly, any changes to the model training API will cause the patch version number to go up.
A common approach for storing version information in a python package is to put a "__verison__" property into the module in the root of the package:
__version_info__ = (0, 1, 0)
__version__ = ".".join([str(n) for n in __version_info__])
The code above can be found here.
I like to think of an ML model as a software component like any other, the only difference being that an ML model is statistically significant. Of course, being statistically significant adds a lot of complexity, but at the end of the day ML models are just code that can be managed just like any other piece of code. In this section we can see how to take a step in that direction by attaching version information to the IrisModel package.
Although semantic versioning is not designed to be used for versioning models, we can apply it here to version model code and gloss over the more complicated aspects of ML models. For example, we can't use semantic versioning to version model parameters since they are not part of the codebase and don't have an API. This is a problem that I will tackle in another blog post.
Adding a CLI interface to the Training Script
When building ML models, the training code is often written in jupyter notebooks, while there are ways to automate the training process with notebooks it's a lot easier to do it through the command line. To do this we will add a simple command line interface to the Iris model training script. We will create the interface using the argparse package and then create a function that calls the train() function when the script is called from the command line.
To create the argparse ArgumentParse object we create a dedicated function (the reason for this will be explained below):
def argument_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Command to train the Iris model.')
parser.add_argument('-gamma', action="store", dest="gamma", type=float, help='Gamma value used to train the SVM model.')
parser.add_argument('-c', action="store", dest="c", type=float, help='C value used to train the SVM model.')
return parser
The code above can be found here.
To call the train() function from the command line, I created a new function called main(). The function gets a parser object, parses the incoming parameters, and calls the train() function:
def main():
parser = argument_parser()
results = parser.parse_args()
if results.gamma is None and results.c is None:
elif results.gamma is not None and results.c is None:
elif results.gamma is None and results.c is not None:
train(gamma=results.gamma, c=results.c)
except Exception as e:
The code above can be found here.
The reason for adding the main() function to wrap the train() function is so that the main() function can be registered as an entry point when the iris_model package is installed. The main() function also handles parsing the command line arguments, calls the train() function, handles exceptions and returns the success or error code to the operating system when the training process is done. Another benefit of this approach is that train() function can still be imported into other code and called as a function, but now it also has a CLI interface.
Adding Sphinx Documentation
One of the great parts of working in the Python ecosystem is the Sphinx package, which is used for creating documentation from source files. There are a lot of great guides for documenting your package using Sphinx, so I won't go through it again here. For this blog post, I followed these guides to create a simple documentation page and hosted it on Github pages. Adding documentation is a simple process and it is done by almost all Python packages that have more than a few users. After putting together the basic documentation, I followed a few simple extra steps to fully automate the creation of the documentation for the model.
First of all, I added documentation strings to all classes and methods in the iris_model package where it made sense. Here is an example of how I documented the predict() method using the docstring in the .py file. The docstring is formatted so that it can be automatically built by the sphinx autodoc extension. This extension makes it easy to extract docstrings from python packages and modules and build documentation. A good guide for using the autodoc extension can be found here.
However, one problem with using the MLModel base class for writing code is that the predict() method of a class that inherits from MLModel only accepts a single parameter called "data" as input. This makes it hard to document the input schema of the model through autodoc since the data structure accepted by the model for prediction can't be easily described in the docstring. The same problem happens when we try to document the return type of the predict() method. Luckily, we can automatically extract the JSON Schema representation of the input and output schemas of the model. In order to leverage this, I used the sphinx-jsonschema extension to automatically add the schema information to a documentation page. The process for adding it is simple, I just had to add this code to an .rst file:
.. jsonschema:: ../build/input_schema.json
The code above can be found here.
The only problem is that the input and output json schema strings are not saved to disk for the jsonschema extension to access, but are available from an instance IrisModel class. To fix this, I added this code to the file that creates the Sphinx documentation. The code instantiates an IrisModel object, extracts the JSON Schema strings, and saves it to a location that can then be read by the Sphinx documentation generator. The documentation that is generated can be seen here and here.
Since we are using the argparse library for creating the CLI interface for the training script, we can use the sphinxarg.ext Sphinx extension to automatically generate the documentation. This was as easy as adding this code to the .rst file that describes the training script:
.. argparse::
:module: iris_model.iris_train
:func: argument_parser
:prog: iris_train
The code above can be found here.
The sphixarg.ext extension then goes to the iris_train module and calls the argument parser function, which returns an instance of a ArgumentParser object, which is then used to generate the documentation. The results can be seen in the documentation here.
This section shows how it is possible to write the code of an ML model in such a way that the documentation can be created automatically. Exposing the input and output schemas of the model as JSON schema strings makes it possible for a Data Scientist to communicate the requirements of the model clearly to the end user of the model. At the same time, by exposing the hyperparameters of the training script as command line options, its becomes possible to automatically document the training process. By writing the ML model code in a certain way, it makes it possible for any changes to the code to be documented automatically whenever the documentation is generated.
Adding a File
Now that we have the ML model code structured as a Python package, versioned, and documented, we'll add a file to the project folder. The file is used by the setuptools package to install python packages and makes the ML model easily installable in a virtual environment. A great guide for writing the file for your package can be found here.
In the iris_model package file, most of the fields are very easy to understand and they are better explained in other guides. In this blog post, I'll focus on the sections of the file that had to be specifically modified for the ML model package. First of all, we want to point at the folder that contains the iris_model package, we can do this with this line in the file:
The code above can be found here.
Next, we need to make sure that the Python module is installed along with the iris_model package. In the future, it would be better to take this code and put it into another Python package that the iris_model package would depend on, but for now we just need this line of code:
The code above can be found here.
Next, we take care of the model parameters. The ML model requires that the model parameters be available for loading at prediction time, the file can handle this by adding this line of code:
package_data={'iris_model': ['model_files/svc_model.pickle']},
The code above can be found here.
This ensures that when the package is installed into an environment, the model parameters will be copied along with the model_files folder.
Next, we have to register the script as an entry point. This makes it possible to run the training script from the command line inside of an environment where the iris_model package is installed:
entry_points={ 'console_scripts': ['iris_train=iris_model.iris_train:main',]
The code above can be found here.
Once we have all of this in the file, we can try to do a pip install on a new virtual environment. We will install the package directly from the git repository to keep things simple. The shell commands to do this are these:
mkdir example
cd example
# creating a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
#activating the virtual environment, on a mac computer
source venv/bin/activate
# installing the iris_model package from the github repository
pip install git+
Now we can test the installation by starting an interactive Python interpreter and executing this Python code:
>>> from iris\_model.iris\_predict import IrisModel
>>> model = IrisModel()
>>> model
<iris_model.iris_predict.IrisModel object at 0x105d1e940>
>>> model.input_schema
Schema({'sepal_length': <class 'float'>,
'sepal_width': <class 'float'>,
'petal_length': <class 'float'>,
'petal_width': <class 'float'>})
>>> model.output_schema
Schema({'species': <class 'str'>})
Next, we can test the CLI interface for the training code by executing the command line in the command line:
iris_train -c=10.0 -gamma=0.01
This section showed how to install the iris_model Python package using common Python packaging tools, and how to use and retrain the model in different Python environment.
Model Metadata in the MLModel Base Class
In the previous blog post we showed an MLModel base class with two required abstract properties: "input_schema" and "output_schema". These two properties were required to be provided by any class that derived from the MLModel base class and were used to publish schema metadata about the input and output data of the model. In order to keep things simple, I chose not to expose more metadata through class properties, however there are several other pieces of metadata that would be useful to expose to the outside world. For example:
- display_name, a property that returns a display name for the model
- qualified_name, a property that returns the qualified name of the model, a qualified name is an unambiguous identifier for the model
- description, a property that returns a description of the model
- major_version, this property returns the model's major version as a string
- minor_version, this property returns the model's minor version as a string
These properties are exposed as object properties and can be accessed the same way as the input_schema and output_schema properties. The new code for the MLModel base class now looks like this:
class MLModel(ABC):
def display_name(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def qualified_name(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def description(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def major_version(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def minor_version(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def input_schema(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def output_schema(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def predict(self, data):
The code above can be found here.
The new MLModel base class looks exactly like the previous implementation, but now also requires the properties described above to be published as instance properties.
This metadata is added in the file of the iris_model package, since it is applicable to the whole package:
# a display name for the model
__display_name__ = "Iris Model"
# returning the package name as the qualified name for the model
__qualified_name__ = __name__.split(".")[0]
# a description of the model
__description__ = "A machine learning model for predicting the species of a flower based on its measurements."
The code above can be found here.
In order to show how a class that derives from the MLModel base class can publish these properties, we can modify the Iris model example used in the previous blog post. The Iris model class now looks like this:
from ml_model_abc import MLModel
from iris_model import __version_info__, __display_name__, __qualified_name__, __description__
class IrisModel(MLModel):
# accessing the package metadata
display_name = __display_name__
qualified_name = __qualified_name__
description = __description__
major_version = __version_info__[0]
minor_version = __version_info__[1]
# stating the input schema of the model as a Schema object
input_schema = Schema({'sepal_length': float,
'sepal_width': float,
'petal_length': float,
'petal_width': float})
# stating the output schema of the model as a Schema object
output_schema = Schema({'species': str})
def __init__(self):
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
file = open(os.path.join(dir_path,
"svc_model.pickle"), 'rb')
self._svm_model = pickle.load(file)
def predict(self, data):
X = array([data["sepal_length"],
data["petal_width"]]).reshape(1, -1)
y_hat = int(self._svm_model.predict(X)[0])
targets = ['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica']
species = targets[y_hat]
return {"species": species}
The code above can be found here.
The display name, qualified name, and description properties are set as string class properties in the IrisModel class, and they are accessed from the __init__ module. The major and minor version properties are extracted from the __version_info__ property.
There can be some situations in which a single Python package will hold more than one MLModel derived class. In that case the display name, qualified name, and description metadata would be set individually within the MLModel derived class itself instead of accessing it from the package-wide metadata stored in the __init__ module.
The class properties are now easily accessible from the model object, to show this we can instantiate the object and access the properties:
>>> from iris_model.iris_predict import IrisModel
>>> iris_model = IrisModel()
>>> iris_model.qualified_name
>>> iris_model.display_name
'Iris Model'
These new metadata properties can now be used to introspect information about the model more easily, this also makes it possible to more easily manage many MLModel model objects in the same python process.
Future Improvements
In this blog post we showed how to do versioning of an ML model using standard conventions of python packages, however the model parameters of the Iris model also need to be versioned over time and metadata about them also needs to be kept. This is a problem that I will tackle in a future blog post.
Another problem that we did not tackle in this blog post is how to have a more complex API for ML models. For example, the Iris model is only allowed to have one predict() method, this makes it impossible to do more complex operations with the Iris model. In a future blog post I will show how to modify the ML model base class to allow this.